Growing up in Smithers allowed me to develop a passion and interest for physical activity. This interest and passion led me to the University of Victoria to pursue a degree in recreation & health education. I am currently wrapping my degree up and am back for the summer doing my final work placement here at Titan Performance. I’m excited to have the opportunity to gain experience and give back to the community that provided me with so many opportunities growing up. My hope is to be able to help people be more active in their daily lives. I hope to see you around the gym and community this summer!
Jon will be coaching with Titan for June, July, and August through a work Co-Op relationship Titan has developed with the University of Victoria. He will be working with all segments of Titan Performance services, which means you will see him coaching Adult Fitness, Youth Athlete Development, and he is available for Personal Training at a very enticing price of $55 per session, or $600 for a 6-Pack. Email Jon now for your free 30min consultation.